Registration Is Now Open!
To register, click here! You will be asked to enter your personal details — note that name, email, and country of origin are required fields — and then be redirected to PayPal. Note that you do not have to register on PayPal, you can pay with a credit card without logging in.
Participating Remotely
For those of you who can't travel to London in June, we are offering an online attendance option - we'll stream the conference proper (Friday and Saturday) via Zoom. We'll be able to allow questions from the online audience (but the social dinner is out of the question as we've yet to perfect the art of emailing food and drinks to attendees).
Issues Registering?
In case of difficulties, here's what should happen:
- Fill in your registration details in the form and hit Register. A summary page opens, listing the details you gave, AND (important!) a large, yellow PayPal button.
- A click on the PayPal button opens a popup window with a PayPal payment page. If this doesn't happen, check your browser settings - you may need to allow popups!
- When you've completed paying through PayPal, you'll be directed back to a thank you page. You'll also receive a confirmation email with an invoice attached.
If some of this doesn't happen, please drop us a line and we'll sort it out!