MultiDoc Pro Translating Editor  ☑

This is a companion program to the MultiDoc Pro Browser and Publisher, sharing the same interface and the same style files. The objective is to let a translator fill in a parallel document structure with the translated text (target) occupying the same element types in element content as the original document (source).

Installation is from CD, with a choice of this program, the browser/publisher, and some ancillary programs. Opening the sample recipe document meant using the normalized version (created with sgmlnorm or epcedit) because MDP does not handle files using missing end-tags or attribute minimization.

Figure 7. MultiDoc Pro Translating Editor editing a recipe (original formatted above; translation in boxes below)

MultiDoc Pro Translating Editor editing a recipe (original formatted above; translation in boxes below)

The similarity between the target interface and the one used by InContext is immediately apparent in Figure 7, “MultiDoc Pro Translating Editor editing a recipe (original formatted above; translation in boxes below)”. The advantage of using their existing browser and stylesheet apparatus to present the source document presumably meant that adding the parallel hierarchy below was unproblematic, except that in Mixed Content, any subelements may be in a different order in the target because different languages have different ways of expressing things.