Working with XML inside a web browser

Edge computing for XML

Daniel Arthursson


Martin Nilsson



Decentralization of data and applications with edge computing is coming outside the XML community. Can we revitalize web browsers and shift XML processing from the server side to the client side with added benefits of improved speed and low latency? Can we make XML an alternative to JavaScript and JSON development within web browsers? This requires client-side database technologies, client-side XML programming languages, support for XSLT, and powerful ways to address standalone XML documents as well as XML stored in document databases or XML supplied through cloud-based API calls. This calls for data abstraction and a unified data model within the web browser. This paper talks about two large projects aimed at solving the client-side equation of XML and putting XML on the map for web development again.

Table of Contents

Project Goals
What new XML technologies are required?
Technical Challenges
The XML data model layer
The XML user interface layer
The XML program logic layer
The resulting architecture of the XML edge platform
The two projects
Future development for the two projects