There would not be enough space in an article to go through all applications that have been built for CloudTop, but we will go through a few of them as each one of them introduces interesting and important concepts for the CloudTop OS and how it makes use of XML.
XMLPad - Data Manipulation and Transactions
Kanban - Hierarchical Data Model
Contacts - Key/values, Meta-data, and Datatypes
CloudTop - Combining Applications into a Desktop
The above list provides a brief introduction. Additional information is available through the CloudBackend service and the SDK Web UI (XIOS/3) and CloudBackend developer documentation. Using CloudBackend you can write and run applications on your own.
CloudTop is a separate project and not part of either the CloudBackend and XIOS/3 companies. They aim to release a new version of the CloudTop desktop using the latest XIOS/3 and CloudBackend by the end of this year. Any application developed as a single-page application on the CloudBackend Singularity Database today can run within the CloudTop desktop when it is released.