XLSForm to XSLTForms

When it comes to write plenty of similar simple forms, it might be easier for authors to list items to be edited in a spreadsheet. It is possible to write .xlsx files in XLSForm format to obtain XForms pages for ODK. ODK is not a fully compliant XForms implementation.

The Data Worker has to read content from a .xlsx then generate the corresponding XForms page for XSLTForms. This can be done dynamically at server-side.

declare function local:setattr($name, $value) {
  let $esc := replace(
          replace($value, '&', '&'),
        '<', '<'),
      '>', '>'),
    '"', '"'),
   "'", ''')
  return if ($value ne '') then
   (if (contains($esc, '"')) then
     (' ' + $name + "='" + $esc + "'") 
    else (' ' + $name + '="' + $esc + '"')) else ''
declare function local:attrs() {
  local:setattr("name", ?name) +
  local:setattr("label", ?label) +
  local:setattr("hint", ?hint) +
  local:setattr("calculation", ?calculation) +
  local:setattr("appearance", if (?type eq 'begin_group' and ?appearance ne '')
     then ('collapsed ' + ?appearance) else ?appearance) +
  local:setattr("relevant", ?relevant) +
  local:setattr("constraint", ?constraint) +
  local:setattr("constraint_message", ?constraint_message) +
  local:setattr("readonly", if (?type eq 'note') then 'true' else ?readonly) +
  local:setattr("required", ?required)
declare function local:attrs_choices() {
  local:setattr("list_name", ?list_name) +
  local:setattr("list_name", ?('list name')) +
  local:setattr("name", ?name) +
  local:setattr("label", ?label) +
  local:setattr("image", ?image)
declare function local:attrs_settings() {
  local:setattr("form_title", ?form_title) +
  local:setattr("form_title", ?title) +
  local:setattr("form_id", ?form_id) +
  local:setattr("default_language", ?default_language)
let $book := doc('public/grid.xlsx')
let $root := 'grid'
let $survey := excel:values($book, "survey!", (), true())
let $choices := excel:values($book, "choices!", (), true())
let $settings := excel:values($book, "settings!", (), true())
let $xlsform := '<xlsform>' +
  '<survey>' + string-join(matrix:transpose($survey !! (
  if (?type eq '') then '' else
  if (?type eq 'begin_group') then
    ('<group' + (if (?appearance eq '') then ' appearance="collapsed"' else '')
     + local:attrs() + '>') else
  if (?type eq 'end_group') then '</group>' else
  if (starts-with(?type, 'select_one ')) then
    ('<select_one choices="' + substring-after(?type, 'select_one ') +
     '"' + local:attrs() + '/>') else
  if (starts-with(?type, 'select_multiple ')) then
    ('<select_multiple choices="' + substring-after(?type, 'select_multiple ') +
     '"' + local:attrs() + '/>') else
    ('<' + ?type + local:attrs() + '/>')))) +
  '</survey>' +
  '<choices>' + string-join(matrix:transpose($choices !! (
  if (?('list name') eq '') then '' else
  ('<choice' + local:attrs_choices() + '/>')))) +
  '</choices>' +
  '<settings>' + string-join(matrix:transpose($settings !!
  ('<setting' + local:attrs_settings() + '/>'))) +
  '</settings>' +
let $doc := parse-xml($xlsform)
let $leaf := function($n) {
  element {$n/@name} {}
let $subtree := function($n, $t, $l) {
  element {$n/@name} {
    $n/* ! (if (name(current()) eq 'group') 
            then $t(current(), $t, $l) 
            else $l(current()))
let $begin := '${'
let $end := '}'
let $refconv := function($n, $s, $b, $e, $f, $g, $r) {
  if (contains($s, $b)) then
   (substring-before($s, $b) + ' ' +
     $g($n, substring-before(substring-after($s, $b), $e), $r) + ' ' +
   $f($n, substring-after($s, $e), $b, $e, $f, $g, $r)) else
let $refpath := function($n, $name, $r) {
  let $target := $n/ancestor::survey//*[string(@name) eq $name]
  return '/' + string-join(($r, 
              (reverse($target/ancestor-or-self::*[@name]) ! string(@name))), '/')
let $bind := function($n, $b, $e, $f, $g, $r) {
  if (name($n) eq 'group') then () else (
    let $type := (if (name($n) = ('text', 'note', 'select_one', 'select_multiple'))
                  then ()
      attribute type {'xsd:' + name($n)})
    let $xpattrs := $n ! (@required, @readonly, @relevant) ! 
                    attribute {name()} {if (string(.) eq 'true')
                                        then 'true()'
                                        else $f(., string(.), $b, $e, $f, $g, $r)}
    let $battrs := ($type, $xpattrs)
    return if ($battrs) then
       ref="{'/' + string-join(($r, (reverse($n/ancestor-or-self::*[@name]) ! 
                               string(@name))), '/')}">{$battrs}</xf:bind> else ()
let $model := <xf:model>
  <xf:instance xmlns="">
    {element {$root}
      {($doc/xlsform/survey/* ! (if (name(current()) eq 'group') then
        $subtree(current(), $subtree, $leaf) else
  {$doc/xlsform/survey//* ! 
   $bind(current(), $begin, $end, $refconv, $refpath, $root)}
let $input := function($n, $r) {
  <xf:input ref="{'/' + string-join(($r, (reverse($n/ancestor-or-self::*[@name]) !
                                          string(@name))), '/')}">
    {if ($n/@label ne '') 
     then <xf:label mediatype="text/markdown">{$n/@label/text()}</xf:label>
     else ()}
    {if ($n/@hint ne '')
     then <xf:hint mediatype="text/markdown">{$n/@hint/text()}</xf:hint> 
     else ()}
let $templates := map {
  'group': function($n, $m, $i, $r) {
      <xf:group ref="{'/' + string-join(($r,
                     (reverse($n/ancestor-or-self::*[@name]) !
                      string(@name))), '/')}">
        {if ($n/@label ne '')
         then <xf:label mediatype="text/markdown">{$n/@label/text()}</xf:label>
         else ()}
        {$n/* ! (if ($m?(name(current()))) 
                 then $m?(name(current()))(current(), $m, $i, $r)
                 else $i(current(), $r))}
  'note': function($n, $m, $i, $r) {
      <xf:output ref="{'/' + string-join(($r, 
                       (reverse($n/ancestor-or-self::*[@name]) !
                        string(@name))), '/')}">
        {if ($n/@label ne '') 
         then <xf:label mediatype="text/markdown">{$n/@label/text()}</xf:label> 
         else ()}
        {if ($n/@hint ne '')
         then <xf:hint>{$n/@hint/text()}</xf:hint> 
         else ()}
  'select_one': function($n, $m, $i, $r) {
      <xf:select1 ref="{'/' + string-join(($r, 
                              (reverse($n/ancestor-or-self::*[@name]) !
                               string(@name))), '/')}">
        {if ($n/@label ne '')
         then <xf:label mediatype="text/markdown">{$n/@label/text()}</xf:label>
         else ()}
        {if ($n/@hint ne '') 
         then <xf:hint>{$n/@hint/text()}</xf:hint> 
         else ()}
        {$n/ancestor::xlsform/choices/choice[string(@list_name) eq string($n/@choices)] !
  'select_multiple': function($n, $m, $i, $r) {
      <xf:select ref="{'/' + string-join(($r, 
                       (reverse($n/ancestor-or-self::*[@name]) !
                        string(@name))), '/')}">
        {if ($n/@label ne '')
         then <xf:label mediatype="text/markdown">{$n/@label/text()}</xf:label>
         else ()}
        {if ($n/@hint ne '')
         then <xf:hint mediatype="text/markdown">{$n/@hint/text()}</xf:hint>
         else ()}
        {$n/ancestor::xlsform/choices/choice[string(@list_name) eq
                      string($n/@choices)] !
let $view := $doc/xlsform/survey/* ! 
             (if ($templates?(name(current())))
              then $templates?(name(current()))(current(), $templates, $input, $root)
              else $input(current(), $root))
let $form := document {(processing-instruction
               xml-stylesheet {'href="xsl/xsltforms.xsl" type="text/xsl"'},
let $result := parse-xml(serialize($form, map{'indent': 'yes'}))
return $result