For each amendment, the location, action and operation information must be extracted from the raw amendment text so the system can reason about it. The location information contained details on where the change should be effectuated with respect to the law(s) being modified.
This information includes for example:
The name of the law;
The number of the article;
The number of the clause;
The position in the text;
The action and operand information are related. The action describes the type of modification. For example, a replacement of a word in the text or the insertion of a new clause. The required operand information depends on the action. For example, a word replacement requires the string to match and the string to replace each match with. A deletion of a clause does not require any further info.
The implementation uses the analysis pipeline architecture again in order to divide the problem into sub-problems. The first stage of the pipeline uses lexicons to detect names of laws and common action words like "substitute".
The second stage of this analysis pipeline is a modified version of Stanford TokensRegex [Chang and Manning 2014]. TokensRegex is a generic framework for defining patterns over text (sequences of tokens) and mapping it to semantic annotations. TokensRegex emphasizes describing the text as a sequence of tokens (words, punctuation marks, etc.), which may have additional annotations, and writing patterns over those tokens, rather than working at the character level, as with standard regular expression packages.
An example of a rule would be:
'for' '"' (:<left-op>[]+) '"' ',' [have(app:action)] '"' (:<right-op>[]+) '"'
This pattern matches the string: for "his", substitute "their". The pattern consists of literal tokens, ‘for’ and ‘"’ which must be matched exactly. The pattern also contains named capture groups (left-op and right-op) to extract the operands. Finally, the pattern contains a token which must have an app:action annotation. The action annotation is set in the previous stage of the pipeline using a lexicon. The extraction rules were written by hand.
A notable extension made to the TokensRegex syntax is to also allow XPath expressions to be used within the expression. This extension allows rules which take the XML tagging into account. This feature is extensively used to allow users to manually tag something that has not been recognized automatically. Consider the following expression:
(:<left-op>'"' []+ '"' | [matches-xpath(‘ancestor-or-self::operand’)]+)
This expression would match one or more token which make up either a quoted string -or- tokens which are wrapped in an <operand/>
The third stage of this analysis pipeline disambiguates and combines the extracted annotations into an amendment graph representing all the extracted information of each individual amendment. This graph represents both the location information as well as the action information. It is convenient to combine both types of information into a single graph because some of the information overlaps. For example, the word to replace is both location information (which word) as well as an action operand.
The final stage validates the constructed amendment graph. It for example, tests whether the target does actually exist in law being amended. It also tests the amendment for having at least one target and one action. More details of the location validation are provided in the section Simulating the effect (Problem #4).