The following listing provides pseudo-code of a generic function
, which implements local instantiation:
consuming a model node and the source context of a parent instance node, returning
the instances of the model node which are child node of the given parent node. Note
the representation of the mapping functions as properties of the model node, using
dot notation, for instance:
This reflects our intent to provide the primitive operations as metadata of the model node.
Figure 1. Pseudo code of get-local-instantiation
, a function implementing
local instantiation. An auxiliary function new-node
is assumed to
be available, which constructs a node, given the node kind, the node name and
the node contents.
get-local-instantiation($location as location, $parent-context as node()*) as node()* { $propagated-context = $location.context-propagator (parent-context = $parent-context) $context-array = $location.context-distributor (propagated-context = $propagated-context) for $context in $context-array: node-for-context(location = $location, context = $context) node-for-context($location as location, $context as node()*) as node() { $content = if $ $location.context-atomizer(context = $context) else: for $child-location in $location.child-locations: get-local-instantiation( location = $child-location, parent-context = $context) return new-node( kind = $location.node-kind, name = $, content = $content) }
Definition of a function get-local-instantiation
amounts to a
complete definition of document-to-document transformation: the transformation is
achieved by applying get-local-instantiation
to the root location of
the target document. In this initial invocation, the input value of a parent context
is axiomatically set to the root node of the source document.
While the primitive operations can be regarded as properties of the model nodes, the metadata expected by a code generator need not necessarily represent them one-to-one, as long as they can be derived from the metadata. The following section introduces a metadata model which is used by an actual code generator described later.